Interreg Euro-MED - VERDEinMED
The VERDEinMED project, “PreVEnting and ReDucing the tEXtiles waste mountain in the MED area”, is an initiative co-funded by the EU Interreg Euro-MED programme to promote a more sustainable future for the textile sector. The project, which brings together 10 partners and 15 associated entities, is based on the promotion of the circular economy in the textile sector along its entire value chain. Framed within the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission of Interreg Euro-MED, the project will seek to reduce textile waste by applying innovative tools and raising awareness among different audiences in the Mediterranean.
Our focus is on implementing innovative strategies to minimise textile waste, promote recycling and encourage sustainable production and consumption practices. By harnessing the combined efforts of consumers, industries and local communities, we aim to transform the way textile products are produced, used and disposed of. In our efforts we will study the current textile value chain in order to detect critical points in industrial production techniques, consumption habits, and reuse and recycling options.
Following this study, we will create tools and organise events in order to promote sustainable practices and encourage community commitment to our purpose. At the end of its phase, VERDEinMED will provide policy recommendations, practical tools and communication campaigns that will facilitate the transition towards a more environmentally and socially responsible global textile model.
Project title: PreVEnting and ReDucing the tEXtiles waste mountain in the MED area
Project duration: 01/01/2024 – 30/09/2026 (33 months)
Programme: Interreg Euro-MED Programme
Mission: Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission
Lead Partner: CERTH – The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas – Greece
Partners: Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía – Spain, Diadyma S.A. – Greece, Bulgarian Fashion Association – Bulgaria, Confindustria Umbria – Italy, Legambiente – Italy, Consorci de la Ribera – Spain, CITEVE – Portugal, e-Zavod – Slovenia, Textile Trade Association Textile Cluster (TTA-TC) – North Macedonia
Associated Partners: Agence Nationale de Promotion de la Recherche Scientifique (ANPR) – Tunisia, Dimos Kozanis – Greece, Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises – Belgium, Dali Sport – Slovenia, Zavod Korak Naprej Murska Sobota – Slovenia, BURSA Fashion Week – Turkey, SASIA – Reciclagem de Fibras Têxteis S.A – Portugal, Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão – Portugal, Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Bulgaria, Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial – Spain, American University of Beirut – Lebanon, Moden Vikend Skopje – North Macedonia, Insieme Società Cooperativa Sociale a.r.l. – Italy, Comune di Narni – Italy, Sistema Moda Italia – Federazione Tessile e Moda – Italy
Total budget: € 2 848 602,00; Interreg Funds: € 2 278 881,60