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VERDEinMED at the eighth regional EcoForum on Circular Economy, promoted by Legambiente Umbria


The Italian partners of the VERDEinMED project, Legambiente and Confindustria Umbria, have shared the limelight at the eighth edition of the Legambiente Umbria Ecoforum, held on Thursday, February 13. The event aims to highlight critical issues and positive experiences towards a circular waste economy and encourage administrations, companies and citizens to share increasingly ambitious goals in the supply chains of materials use. It is the reference for the environmental sector of this Region in the Central Italy.

The session dedicated to “Municipalities, citizenship and enterprises: best local practices” hosted the speech of the Confindustria Umbria General Director Simone Cascioli, who together with the moderator of Legambiente Daniela Riganelli, promoted the actions of VERDEinMED and presented to the audience the video of the communication campaign “The right outfit for you and the environment”.

“We have several advantages in Umbria region – they have emphasized the representatives of the two Italian partners of VERDEinMED – in industrial and cooperative field for us that means to make network, but also in the dialogue with the stakeholders as the regional institutions. This can enable us to be effective and then put in the textile companies’ supply chain both large and small, helping them towards the green transition”.

The EcoForum was attended by representatives of local institutions, technicians, public administrators, managers, companies, associations and citizens. In this edition there was the possibility of a direct confrontation with the new regional councillor for the environment to talk about future scenarios and a new law on the circular economy where the incinerator project is definitively abandoned and be valued Recycling and reuse chains.

Find out the report of the day: